Present: Pilahi Gregg, Donna Fouts, Margie Katras, Eager Palafox, Liz Shigeta Prior,
Owen Tamamoto
Meeting was called to order buy Margie Kraras at 11:55 and the following items were discussed.
Minutes of Feb 16, 2020, were approved.
Treasurer’s Report – was reported that the Hui has $952 dollars. Owen shared he had register the tournament name and he would be submitting an invoice for the 26 dollar fee.

Domain Name – After some discussion a motion was made to register the domain name of -
Motion passed
There was further discussion on what we would want on the web site. The group agreed that for starters Imua’s mission, calendar of events, on going recycling drive, Hawaii Pacific Rim Pickleball Cup (proof of concept event) and all ambassador’s name and contact information.
Ambassador Appreciation Day – set for Sunday April 26 from 9-9:30 at Diamond Head Courts. All ambassadors on Oahu needed to be invited. Additionally Donna showed the group the lanyards that had been gotten to give to the ambassadors as a small mahalo for their time and commitment to Pickleball.
Paloma Settlement – Margie told the group that Val had gone over to Palama and measured out the space and had a few different layouts that could be presented to the Palama Board. The demonstration was still confirmed for Tuesday March 31 at 6 PM.
Flash Mobs – Donna shared that she had gotten through to Tamrind Sq. and they had concerned on the Thursday April 30th date, but we could have Tuesday 29. That was not a good date for some Hui members and Donna was instructed to see if we could get Wednesday (April 29) or Monday (April 27). It was also shared that there was now a 50 dollar application fee as well as a 100 dollar usage fee to use this property. The group acknowledged and accepted if date can be arranged.
Margie reported that Eddie Ige had gotten her an application for our event in front of the capitol.
Other sites being reviewed were Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center (Waikiki) Edger to follow up on. University of Hawaii was a 4th possible location.
The group felt that each site should have its own crew of 8-10 people.
Terri Olival was willing to help with publicity to the media about the one day event.
Advisory Committee – three individuals were formally nominated to be part of The Hui’ s Advisory Committee, they were; Frank Appel, Bruce Nagel, and Liz Shigeta Prior. Motion made and accepted for all three. Owen agreed to write a short paragraph outlining their role on our Advisory Committee.
Other business – there was discussion that the name of the upcoming Hawaii Pacific Rim Pickleball Cup was wrong on the Pickleball tournament site. Donna agreed to let Hei know so changes could be made. There was further conversation about the tournament and the ask for funds to support it . It was recommended that at the next tournament meeting Hei might want to explain to committee chairs so they could have a better understanding and they could support explanations to those asking in the community.
No further business meeting adjourned at 12:58 PM.
Respectfully submitted by,
Donna Fouts.
Filling in for Lori Tokutomi - Hui secretary